Wednesday, January 17, 2007

This is what wikipedia looks like in China. Please send me information, as I will no longer have access to a vast and constantly changing cache of facts about the world. You'll probably have to send things in a word document, as links will not work.

If you want to send physical objects, they might get here if you use the English address:

Jared Rudolph
Associated Colleges in China
Foreign Students Dormitory
Capital University of Economics and Business
Hongmio, Chaoyang District
Beijing, P.R. China 100026

However, the Chinese address would likely work better:

中国, 北京
红庙, 朝阳门外大街
何杰明 (Jared Rudolph)

You’ll probably want to use both.

At five in the morning, a program is on TV that is a montage of videos of Vancouver along with sappy piano music. Lots of shots of maple leaves changing colors. According to my father, 30 percent of households in Vancouver are Chinese speaking.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for making contact with us all. Glad to hear that you are thriving in your usual fashion. Hope the exam today (?) was not too taxing.

Can anyone tell me when parents' weekend at Macalester is scheduled for fall 2007? I'm not a planner, as you may know, but we have the opportunity to stay at our favorite hotel (the one with the train tracks running through it) for free!

January 18, 2007 6:28 PM  

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